Prevention is the core of The Purple Door’s vision: to end domestic violence and sexual assault in the Coastal Bend. Over the years, The Purple Door has sought to define prevention in terms that incorporate all areas of the most difficult humanitarian work and advocacy: to prevent sexual and domestic violence before it happens using collaborative efforts in intervention, education, and awareness in order to bring power back to the survivor voice, to create active allies and advocates within all levels of the community, to correct harmful language and cultural norms with ourselves and our peers, and to inspire a future generation free from oppressive, power-based violence.
The Purple Door believes community accountability is at the heart of prevention of violence work. We want to expand our prevention efforts in the Coastal Bend with a goal of reaching people before violence is perpetrated. This work includes honest conversations on abusive attitudes and beliefs in a real, equitable way. Ultimately, improving survivor safety and support in our community means challenging these abusive attitudes and beliefs before the first act of violence is committed and well before a perpetrator enters the criminal justice system. We recognize that holding others accountable for violence resides with our community members and partners. Join us in the expansion of violence prevention.
Prevention and Education consists of Primary Prevention and Community Education. Through collaborative relationships in the community, Community Educators utilize a variety of spaces to provide education about our agency, domestic violence, sexual violence, healthy relationships and consent, with the goal of encouraging a dialogue about prevention. Fostering positive factors to influence the reduction of domestic and sexual violence makes our community and future safe and healthy for all of us.
Community Alliance Prevention Model
The Community Alliance Prevention Model is a 3-tier based model of leadership training that will prepare participants to become a Purple Ally. All Purple Allies will receive a certificate of completion that can be displayed in an office, a business, or a home to show the community they are prepared support survivors and act to implement change. During training, Purple Allies will meet with advocates of The Purple Door who will remain a contact person for additional training, literature, and technical assistance.
Upon completion of the gold level leadership training, a Purple Ally will have the tools to:
Support survivors of domestic and sexual violence at any step during their journey: from safety planning to maintaining positive support systems after an abusive relationship ends.
Hold perpetrators accountable for their choice to use domestic and sexual violence on their partners, families, and community. Learn how to have that conversation in a safe way.
Change and challenge a culture of violence! By changing the conversation, Purple Allies will move our community towards the prevention of domestic and sexual violence.
Anyone and everyone can become a Purple Ally:
• Corporate Level
• Small Business
• Social Service Agencies
• Counselors and Mental Health Professionals
• Government Agencies
• Education Administrations, Staff, and Students
• Faith-Based Organizations
• Community Leaders

All training is FREE and provided at your location! There is no audience too big or small. The first step to becoming a Purple Ally is the want to take action and end domestic and sexual violence in our community. If you are interested in hearing more about receiving Purple Ally training, or to request a training form, reach out to, and YOU will have achieved the second step to action.
Purple Allies will complete either a bronze level, silver level or gold level of the following leadership training topics to receive a certificate of completion:
Bronze-level allyship is our introductory level, with 4 hours of required trainings. The goal of bronze level allyship is to develop a basic understanding of domestic and sexual violence and how to best respond to violence.
Agency Services .5
Domestic and Sexual Violence Overview 1.00
Understanding Victim Behavior 1.00
Recognizing and Responding to Domestic and Sexual Violence 1.00
Primary Prevention and Moving Upstream .5
Silver-level allyship is our intermediary level, with 4 hours of required trainings plus an additional 2 hours of personally selected trainings. The goal of silver level allyship is to develop a basic understanding of domestic and sexual violence, how to best respond to violence, and explore related topics that are the most relevant to your interests or line of work.
The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children 1.00
Female Perpetrators 1.00
Gender Socialization and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) 1.00
History of the Battered Women’s Movement 1.00
Human Trafficking 101 1.00
Online Sexual Violence : Online Dating, Revenge Porn and the Adult Industry 2.00
Rape Culture, Purity Culture and What Makes the Perfect Victim 2.00
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace 1.00
Sexual Violence in the LGBTQ+ Community 1.00
Stalking 1.00
Trauma on the Brain 1.00
Trauma Informed Care 2.00
Understanding Perpetrator Behavior / Profile of a Perpetrator 1.00
Working with Vulnerable Communities 1.00
Spiritual Abuse 1.00
Gold-level allyship is our highest level, with 4 hours of required trainings plus an additional 4 hours of personally selected trainings. The goal of gold-level allyship is to develop a more in-depth understanding of domestic and sexual violence, response, prevention, and explore additional related topics that are the most relevant to your interests or line of work. Learners at the gold-level have access to more advanced gold-level trainings in addition to silver-level trainings.
Human Trafficking 201 1.00
Online Sexual Violence: Incels and Online Misogyny 2.00